Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Natural Power Of Earth Magnets

Earth is the source of the best, strongest and most durable forms of magnets. Mined from the ground and appropriately named earth magnets, these lodestones are composed of alloys from different elements in the ground. These natural stones produce a strong magnetic field which has sometimes reached more than 1/4 teslas. A magnetic field of this strength is considered significant, considering that most magnets only manage a force of 0.5 - 1 tesla.

Although earth magnets tend to be magnetically stronger than other types of magnets, they are quite fragile and brittle. Without proper care and protection, they are also susceptible to corrosion. If they come with a coating or plating, this may peel or break off over time. Two major types of earth magnets include samarium-cobalt and neodymium. Although neither one is rare or considered precious, they can sometimes be called rare earth magnets.

Magnets in their pure form exhibit the most strength when exposed to low temperatures because they have a low Curie temperature. This is the temperature at which magnetism is lost. The Curie temperature of the material rises and its magnetic strength increases when an element is bound to a transition metal such as iron, cobalt and nickel. Earth magnets are quite strong, in fact, they are stronger than most ordinary magnets. As such, care should be taken when they are used because of the risks involved. Two earth magnets can physically harm any body part that is placed between them and large magnets can sometimes break bones. Two magnets that are placed at close proximity may collide forcefully and break, hitting something or someone in the room. Ingesting a magnet can have an adverse effect on the digestive tract. Magnetic field produced by the magnets can also damage electronic gadgets and objects such as those that contain a magnetic strip, including credit cards and computer disks. If these come in contact with a magnet, any electronic data they may contain will be erased.

There are many uses for earth magnets. They can be utilized as parts of a computer hard drive, cordless tools, sudio speakers, headphones, fishing reels and bicycle dynamos. They can also be used with self-powering flashlights, which can generate power by manual shaking. Earth magnets can also be used with electric wind belts, electrodynamic bearings, superconductor levitation and LED throwies. And yes, they also have a part to play in fun and recreation since they are often utilized to build roller coasters and produce electric guitar pick-ups.

Magnetic attraction may seem mysterious because it can not be seen readily. Elemental earth magnets are remarkably and naturally strong, qualities that lend them an almost mystical power. These magnets were first developed decades ago, in the 70s and 80s and they continue to remain useful today. Note that while these are capable of magnetic attraction, these magnets are not for recreational use due to their substantive power.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Earth Magnets Ala Extreme

Rare earth magnets are small but they have incredible strength. These magnets are known to be the strongest magnets of permanence that mankind knows. In spite of the label given, the magnets are not a rarity at all. Instead, they have derived that name because of specific elements that occur naturally, then are categorized into the "rare earth" classification of chemicals. These very small power pockets are not only very powerful, but retain magnetic force eternally. This is because of several characteristics including composition. Neodymium-iron-boron (NIB)and samarium-cobalt are two base types that earth magnets are found in.

Their incredible potential and capability and even the fact that they exist, is not known by most people. Earth magnets are however, used in a wide variety in a many daily devices that everyone knows about. These magnets will be found in brakes of fishing reels, hard disks for computers, speakers and bikes. High end electronics often utilize earth magnets. Scanning products, cell phones, higher end toys and autos are all included in the list of popular items that earth magnets are used in. At this time, earth magnets are quite spendy. Because of this, they have nickel outing that will prevent chipping and breaking, since their natural texturing is quite brittle.

Besides items previously listed, earth magnets are used in a wide range for many industrialized settings. Because of their light weight and insensitivity to temperatures that are extreme, they are perfect for use in a lot of applications for business and manufacturing. A few industries that have profited in a great way from using  the earth magnets include auto assembling, robotics and recycling. The magnets have also been put to use for wind turbines of large size for the purpose of generating electrical current. With a powerful pull of ninety two and a half, up to one hundred seventy pounds, rare earth magnets are powerful enough to lift up to four hundred times their own weight!

Just as with all advances in technology, earth magnets are becoming less expensive all the time, while at the same time, pioneering the way to more industries to be able to see the benefits of their powerful potential. Worldwide, operations in industry are benefiting from the physical  characteristics of earth magnets. The direction this can take is astounding it its potential!

This intense power brings with it a price tag though. In purchasing an earth magnet, one should be observant of basic precautions for safety. This increased strength is capable of causing injury on a personal level. The highest caution is needed for handling the magnets. Even the magnets of smaller size are dangerous for pets and children. The potential of choking on them is present. Care should be used when handling the magnets as they are extremely brittle. Care will avoid cracking and breaks as well as peeling. An earth magnet should not ever be set near computers, cell phones, or other devices that could be adversely affected by the extremely strong magnetic pull.

Earth magnets will have a definite role in the future. The future is actually now, and obtaining an earth magnet and enjoying its properties may be found to be a very pleasant experience!